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Join the RF MISSION Team

- Go on Mission to the Nations!


Have you ever considered going on Mission or being

part of an Evangelistic Campaign to bring

the love of Jesus to a Nation? 


This could be your chance!!

Apply to join our RF Mission Team. The next mission is Colombia Evangelistic Campaign in Oct 2022



Join the RF Team

Volunteer your Time, Skills and Expertise!


You can Apply to volunteer with Raising Foundations to

see our Vision & Evangelistic Campaigns fulfilled.


Various opportunities available!!







  • Social Media Lead: Manage our social media & website. Create & share news, happenings & campaigns at Raising Foundations.  Click here for more details.


  • Graphic Designer: Create Campaign banners, flyers, Team merchandise (T-shirts, mission bags etc.)


  • Marketing Director: Develop & implement our marketing strategy. Help share campaigns & create awareness, facilitate exhibitions & publicity.


  • Accountant/ Bookkeeper: Financial functions including bookkeeping, charity financial records, Grants, financial operations, forecast & risk analysis.


  • Technology skills to develop, administrate and maintain our technology platform


  • Advisors with charity and fundraising experience​



  • Join the RF Mission Team: be part of the ministry team to bring the Gospel to a Nation through our Campaigns​.


  • Campaign Strategist: Work closely with Lead Evangelist to define & plan Evangelistic Campaigns.


  • Discipling Lead: Prepare new believer packs. Create & source physical/digital follow-up materials & bibles.


  • Videographers to cover missions, outreach, events, conferences and campaigns


  • Financial Partners: Help fund our campaign and ongoing RF ministry activities, infrastructure & support cost


  • Fundraisers: Organise a Fundraiser or take part in a Sponsored Event to raise funds for our Evangelistic Campaigns. You can host a breakfast or afternoon tea, hold a cake sale, do a sponsored challenge, mow lawns, wash cars, skydive or run a marathon - the choice is yours.. We would love to partner with YOU! 

Simply use our Sponsorship & Gift Aid Declaration Form for people to sponsor your event. â€‹





Join our Fundraising Team

- Help support our Vision & Campaigns


Create your own fundraiser or sponsored event. Simply use our Sponsorship & Gift Aid Declaration Form

for people to sponsor your event. 

Whether you choose to host an afternoon tea, skydive, mow lawns, wash cars, run a marathon - the choice is yours

We would love to partner with YOU!


As a registered charity, RAISING FOUNDATIONS uses

the Government's Gift Aid Scheme to boost donations

from UK Taxpayers by up to 25%


That’s 25p Gift Aid for Every £1 Donated!

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Join the RF Prayer & Intercessor Team


Prayer & Intercession is the engine room of our Evangelistic activity and at the heart of everything we do: 


  • Prayer Coordinator Prayer is the engine room of our Evangelistic activity. Facilitate physical & online prayer & intercession. Create prayer devotional material 


  • Prayer & Intercessor Team Join our intercessors’ team in prayer and fasting for the Campaigns. Participate in physical & online meetings during outreach events.​



YOU can be a Financial Partner, Supporter 

and Champion of Our Vision!


  • Sponsor an Evangelistic Campaign for people to be saved & Bibles for new believers in their own languages.


  • Help support & send our Missionaries & Evangelists to take the Gospel to the nations.


  • Make a Donation - Regular donations helps us forward plan more Evangelistic Campaigns.


All donations are gratefully received!!


  • Partner your Ministry, Church or Organisation with us 


  • Include us in your email auto signature:


  I’m a Raising Foundations Friend

  For more information visit


  • Join us on Social Media - Like, Subscribe & Share with  your friends, family & church








Every Donation Gratefully Received!

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Boost your Donation by 25%

that’s 25p Gift AiD for every £1 you donate


Login to your Internet Banking

and use our Bank Details


Email your Gift Aid form  to



Donate using a debit or credit card


UK Taxpayers can select Gift-Aid

during the payment process

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


For Regular Support 


Login to your Internet Banking 

or contact your Bank to set up a

standing order


Donate via your Bank 

or Money Transfer Agency


Use the relevant currency account

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