Have you considered what it would take to reach 2.2 million souls for Jesus?
It’s not something most of us would think about because its simply out of our reach, beyond our horizon and too much that it would entail. So what do you do if like Antonio Gonzales that’s the vision God puts on your heart? Many people would conclude it’s either not for them or that they cannot do it alone. This is why Raising Foundations & friends are partnering with Antonio’s ministry Life for the Nations to see this colossal vision fulfilled. This post will tell you a bit about Antonio, what his ministry does, how we are partnering and how you can be part of this life changing work.
We met Antonio at Christ for All Nations (CFAN) School of Evangelism in Orlando, Florida. CFAN is the ministry of evangelists Daniel Kolenda and Reinard Bonnke. Our paths crossed again at 1Nation1Day in Peru where we agreed to draw alongside one another to partner and support this vision.

About Antonio and Life for the Nations
Antonio had a Damascus road experience during the darkest hour of his life. Hopeless, helpless, and full of fear and remorse for a life of destruction, he called upon the name of Jesus in the middle of the night and had an encounter with a living Savior in prison who not only forgave him, but filled his life with hope in the revelation of Jesus Christ as the One who gives life and second chances to all who call upon Him.
God divinely delivered Antonio from 30 years imprisonment and opened prison doors to give Antonio the new beginning he didn’t deserve. Antonio’s life has never been the same and he now travels the world to tell everyone about the living Savior who saves all who call upon Him here… and now. Since 2011, Antonio has shared the life giving message of Jesus to over 25,000 people in the US, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Brazil, Nigeria and Cuba.
The next Revival & Evangelism Outreach is scheduled to take place in Havana, Cuba from 9 to 20 October 2019. You can view Life for the Nations itinerary here.
Life for the Nations is on a mission to win 2.2 million people for Christ in the next 10 years!
Life for the Nations partner with the local body of Christ around the world to reach the lost with the life giving message of Jesus Christ. Some of the ways they accomplish this is through meeting the physical needs of communities with food, medical and social services, and making sure everyone hears the life changing message of love, hope, and life in Christ. They also hold evangelistic outreaches and crusades for the purpose of reaching the lost and minister to the body of Christ through preaching, prayer, conferences, radio, and television programs.
How can we help fulfil this COLOSSAL vision?
You can Get Involved by making a regular or one off donation to supporting Life for the Nations. As a UK registered charity Raising Foundations is permitted to utilise the government's gift aid scheme for fundraising which allows us to boost donations from UK taxpayers by up to 25% - Gift Aid support for UK Donations.
For every £1 you, your family, friends and sponsors donate, the government will provide an extra 25p
This is an efficient way of raising support for our ministry partners because this provides additional funds which would otherwise not be possible. To provide a level of accountability that funds are being used for their intended purpose, where practical we pay our partner ministry's expenditure by settling invoices directly with their third party providers.
You can also get in touch to volunteer your time, skills and expertise. Make sure you subscribe to Life for the Nations for news, features and updates.
Life for the Nations is working with Raising Foundations to help understand the challenges and hurdles faced by evangelists and missionaries in the field. This is assisting us to develop our technology platform to provide tools and capabilities for missionaries and ministries to raise and deploy their resources and interact more efficiently with their partners, supporters and communities.
Join in this Vision - We can't wait to hear from you!
