Have you ever considered going on a Mission trip or being part of an Evangelistic Campaign to bring the love of Jesus to a Nation? This could be your chance!!
We are super excited to announce that we are mobilising the Oct 2022 Evangelistic Campaign and joining forces with Life Nations to bring the gospel of Jesus to the nation of Colombia - That's 3 cities, 8 locations, 12 evangelistic meetings, 3 pastor conferences!! And... we're taking a Mission Team to help in this harvest.
Here's a glimpse from the 2021 Evangelistic mission in Colombia:
Vision for Colombia
Together with Life Nations, we are believing and working to see 500,000 people to come to Christ in Colombia during the next 10 years.

This is a massive vision and can only be achieved through mass evangelistic campaigns, by partnering with local churches and ministries to help in this harvest for follow-up and discipleship of new believers, and by training and releasing more evangelists to labour together with us in this vision.
How does it work? The churches in Colombia have the boats, we bring our nets and fishing skills, and we use their boats to bring the fish to the beaches. But the fish belong to the local churches, for people to come into fibrant Spirit-filled churches who have laboured in this harvest. This work has already begun...
In 2021 we preached the gospel to over 6,000 people in Colombia, many were healed and we saw 889 decisions recorded for people wanting to follow Jesus in the cities of Santa Marta, Cincelejo and Corozal.

The success of our 2021 Evangelistic Campaign in Colombia means that we can now build on our experience, networks and partnerships, and bring more labourers to help in this harvest. It's like when Jesus told the disciples to cast their nets on the other side of the boat and having done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. "So they signalled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink" (Luke 5:6-7). Hallelujah!! What a fishing trip that must have been. Nothing wrong with the amount of fish there, they just didn't have enough nets and boats to bring in the whole catch.
"The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest"
Mathew 9:35-38
We need more labourers to help in this harvest - there are so many fish that our nets are beginning to break, and we are signalling for partners to come and help in this catch. We labour to see people saved, healed and delivered in the Nations to which God has sent us. And we are calling for our partners, and those who want to partner with us to come and help share the love of Jesus, the message of the cross and salvation, with the people of Colombia.
So how can you join or partner in this harvest?

Whilst we need $15,000 (£12,000) to cover campaign expenditure for venue, permits, security, equipment hire (video, sound & power), local advertising etc, we also really need Spirit-filled people who love Jesus and have a heart for the lost. People who are willing to labour alongside us, and partner to share in this vision and harvest.
There are several ways you can Get Involved in this vision. We've added more detail further below to explain these opportunities. In summary you can:
Join the RF Mission Team on the ground in Colombia - We would love to see you there!!
Volunteer from wherever you are using your gifts, skills and talents to support and see this campaign vision fulfilled
Become a Financial partner, Fundraiser or Campaign Champion
Sponsor bibles, team members or specific campaign costs
We are calling for partners whom God has called to labour in this work with us.
Would you pray and ask God if that is you?

You can apply to join the RF Mission Team and function on the ground in Colombia in one or more of the following roles. These roles operate under Evangelist Martin van Vuuren, responsible for the Raising Foundations Evangelistic Campaigns, working in partnership with Life Nations (Evangelist Antonio Gonzales). The Campaign duration is 10-14 days in Oct 2022 - Dates to be announced shortly.
Team Leader
Responsible for overseeing, supporting & looking after the mission team members in Colombia. Liaising with Team Logistics Facilitator for timetables, food, travel and ministry activities, hosting prayer/devotional mornings etc.
Mission Team Member
Be part of the ministry team to bring the gospel of Jesus to the people of Colombia. Attend and help with the evangelistic meetings & pastor conferences at the different venues, ministering to people in need.
Team activities may include: visiting churches, orphanages, schools etc, personal evangelism, prayer intercession during campaigns, praying for the sick, preaching in churches, and much more.
Team Logistics Facilitator
Manage the campaign itinerary, coordinating activities with Lead Evangelist and US Life Nations Team. Responsible for all RF Missions team logistics including travel (flights, car/bus hire etc), food & accommodation.
Media (Videographer/ Photographer)
Tell the campaign story and share the incredible testimonies of people touched by Jesus. Shoot videos, capture moments, interview, edit, create & share content during and after campaigns on our social media platforms and with all our supporters and partners.
Liaise and coordinates with the Lead Evangelist, RF UK Social Media team and US Life Nations Team.
Medical Missionary
Those in the medical profession who could provide medical and first aid support for the Missions Team.
Spanish Translators/ Interpreters
Can you speak Spanish? Help provide translation and interpretation for the RF missionary team and evangelists in Colombia.
Partner with us financially to help fund this campaign and the ongoing RF ministry activities, infrastructure and support costs.
You can make a donation here and help support this Evangelistic Campaign.
Organise a fundraiser or take part in a sponsored charity event to help raise funds for this campaign. You can host a breakfast or afternoon tea, hold a cake sale, do a sponsored challenge, wash cars, mow lawns, skydive or run a marathon - the choice is yours.. We would love to partner with YOU!
We need to raise US$15,000 (roughly £12,000) to cover the Oct 2022 Colombia Evangelistic Campaign expenditure for bibles, venue hire, security, permits, equipment hire (video, sound & power), local advertising, printing etc. for the different cities.
Simply use our Sponsorship & Gift Aid Declaration Form for people to sponsor your event, or you can Click here to download this form from our website.
Training Evangelists
Train with Raising Foundations to run & manage front-to-back your own evangelistic ministry & campaigns. You'll need to dedicate time ahead of the campaign, gaining experience alongside the Lead Evangelist to help plan and conduct the campaign.
You'll be involved in pre-campaign planning, meetings, participate and help support the campaign on the ground, and learn how we minister the gospel, whilst working alongside different ministries and churches for salvations and new believers to be brought into local fellowships.
Raising Foundations takes care of all the logistics. We handle the flights, local transportation, hotels, food and the ministry schedule in Colombia. We also provide basic training for the Mission team leading up to the event, so you'll be ready for your mission trip.

Team members will be responsible for financing cost of their mission trip. You'll need to budget approx £90 to £100 per day (for accommodation, food & drink, transportation) plus cost of your flights.
An international return flight from the UK is approx £700 and you'll need roughly £70 for local flights travelling between the campaign cities.
You will also be responsible for securing: all travel documents including passport, visas if necessary, travel vaccinations, travel insurance, and any personal items. Applicants who are not the head of a ministry or registered charity will also require a letter of recommendation from their church pastor or ministry leader. Team members must be able to work alongside others in less than comfortable and fluid environments, and be able to submit to team authorities in a cooperative manner.

You can volunteer to use your gifts, skills and talents to support and see this campaign
vision fulfilled.
You can apply to volunteer for any of the following opportunities:
Social Media Lead
Help share news, happenings and our Evangelistic campaigns. Create and schedule content, manage our social media pages and website. These are incredibly powerful ways to reach more people with the gospel and for others to participate in this harvest.
Click here for the more detail on this role.
Marketing Director
Develop, implement and manage our marketing strategy and activities. Help create and share campaigns and create awareness for people to participate through social media, facilitate exhibitions & publicity etc. Liaise with Social Media lead & Life Nations team.
Graphic Designer
Create campaign banners, flyers & RF team merchandise (T-shirts, jackets, mission bags etc)
Campaign Strategist
Work closely with the Lead Evangelist and social media team to define and plan the Evangelistic campaigns:
Research and gather data & statistics to tell the story of what challenges the people in Colombia or other nations are facing
Explain why Raising Foundations is going. what we do there and how our campaigns will have a life changing impact for the people of this nation.
Discipling Lead
Prepare new believer packs. Create, write and source physical and digital follow-up materials & bibles
Organise a fundraiser or take part in a sponsored charity event to help raise funds for this campaign. You can host a breakfast or afternoon tea, hold a cake sale, do a sponsored challenge, wash cars, mow lawns, skydive or run a marathon - the choice is yours.. We would love to partner with YOU!
We need to raise US$15,000 (roughly £12,000) to cover the Oct 2022 Colombia Evangelistic Campaign expenditure for bibles, venue hire, security, permits, equipment hire (video, sound & power), local advertising, printing etc. for the different cities.
Simply use our Sponsorship & Gift Aid Declaration Form for people to sponsor your event, or you can Click here to download this form from our website.
Financial Partners
Partner with us financially to help fund this Evangelistic Campaign and the ongoing RF ministry activities, infrastructure and support costs.
You can make a donation here and help support the charity or specific campaigns
Prayer Coordinator
Prayer is a ministry in it's own right and at the heart of what we do. Faciliate and co-ordinate prayer & intercession for the RF Team, our ministry partners, supporters, networks and campaigns. Create prayer devotional material and manage and host physical and online Prayer & Intercession groups.
Prayer & Intercessor Team
Join our intercessors’ team in prayer and fasting for the campaigns. You can also participate in live Zoom meetings during outreach events to provide prayer and intercession.
Pakistan shall be saved for Christ!! (One of our 2021 Campaigns)
The Colombia Campaign
The local language is Spanish, so we use translators and interpreters to help communicate and minister during the campaign. The crusade grounds are prepared with the help of our local partners and churches in the cities of Colombia, where we hire venues, erect platforms, and set up chairs, sound and lighting equipment for the crowds to see and hear our Evangelists and worship teams. We also share where possible the event on social media platforms with our partners, supporters and for others to come to faith.
We have to raise $15,000 (roughly £12,000) to bring this campaign to the cities in Colombia. Will you consider partnering with us?
As a Christian charity, we rely on donations to carry out the mission of proclaiming the Gospel to those who have yet to experience the goodness of God and to encourage and help mobilise the body of Christ. Behind the scene, a sea of volunteers are engaged in the campaigns to help provide logistics, technology support, videography, administration etc. back home and at all the different locations. At the same time Prayer, Intercession and Ministry teams engaged real-time on Zoom and WhatsApp before, during and after the campaigns. It's a mammoth operation and truly amazing to see behind the scenes what it takes to make all this happen.
Please consider partnering with us to help share the message of life to those without hope. If this is something you would like to support or get involved in, you can apply here. We value your prayers, we have online intercessions teams and various volunteering opportunities (social media, videography & editing, administration, fundraising & grants etc).
You can make a donation here and help support the charities activities, objectives or specific campaigns.
Post Campaign Follow-up and Discipleship
During the campaign, personal details are recorded for new believers who have made a decision to follow Jesus. Local teams and churches provide follow-up to bring people into fellowships and for discipleship. We also distribute bibles afterwards to those who have accepted Jesus during a meeting, to help them on thier journey in Christ.
We would love to help more to follow up and disciple new believers by providing Christian materials, more bibles and develop or share technology that people can access in these and more remote areas. This is part of our longer term strategy and we have already begun to look at new technology and partnerships that may help facilitate this.
Ways you can Get Involved:
Join the RF Mission team
Volunteer to support and see this campaign vision fulfilled
Become a Financial Ministry Partner - You can make a donation here and help support the charities work, specific campaigns or help fund bibles
Join prayer teams leading up to evangelistic events - contact us for details
Join us on livestreams: www.facebook.com/raisingfoundations.org
Become a Partner, Supporter or Champion of Our Vision
Don't forget to Subscribe to our community for News and Updates!
We would love it if you would:
SHARE: with your friends, family & church: www.raisingfoundations.org/projects
JOIN: our community at www.raisingfoundations.org/contact
SUBSCRIBE: to our Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/3cvWiI5
DONATE: You can make a donation here and help support the charities activities, objectives or specific campaigns.
Say hi on social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/raisingfoundations.org
Twitter: twitter.com/RaisingFoundat
Evangelists - Facebook links: