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Easter Assembly - Primary School 23 April 2019

Raising Foundations will be conducting an Easter assembly at a local Primary School in Bromley on 23 April 2019. As part of this Easter message we will be donating 170 "The beginners Bible Come Celebrate Easter Sticker & Activity" books and You're awesome - Jesus loves you badges to the children.

We will be using a science experiment as an object lesson, slightly similar to the video below, to demonstrate how sin makes us dirty and how our best deeds and us doing good just cannot make us clean again. Only the blood of Jesus can take away our sins and make us right with our Father in heaven, bringing us back into a relationship with God.

You can get involved in this Easter message by making a small donation and helping us to cover the cost of the books and badges

We have selected this book as we wanted to give the children a reminder and something tangible to interact with the gospel message that they had received as they learn more about Jesus and what He has done for us. We have including a Salvation Prayer in the books for those who want to choose to follow Jesus together with a flyer for details of a local church.

A science experiment

If you have knowledge, contacts and experience in Wholesale Christian book distribution, please get in contact with us to help source suitable and appropriate material that we can donate and distribute as part of our outreach and gospel messages.

Get Involved - Make a small donation today!


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