We are working with our partners to build our first Raising Foundations church in India, drill a borewell to supply fresh water for the community and support a pastor for 3 years to help establish the church. Already new believers have began to gather in a tent!!
Following our Revival Crusade in Andhra Pradesh, India in Dec 2020, there was about 118 believers who wanted to join a new church, for which we would need a suitable site to build a structure. The good news is that believers have already began to meet together in a tent, with about 90 gathering at the first meeting in January 2021.
To get to this stage we originally chose the crusade grounds by identifying 45-60 villages were there are no existing churches. We then provided trucks for local pastors to transport people from these village to the crusade grounds. We anticipated 95% of the people would be non-Christians and potentially hearing the gospel for the first time. If sufficient people responded to the gospel we could then plant a church in this community for new believers to have fellowship and be discipled, rather than transporting people to churches further away.
Consequently our partners in India began searching for a site and this is where we found God's miraculous provision.
God's Miraculous provision
One of the testimonies we received is from a paddy hall merchant who has businesses in 65 of the surrounding villages. His wife was healed from acute arthritis and although he had given his life to Jesus at the crusade, he could not believe she had been healed. For 4 days he continued to ask her and took her to the doctors for further tests. In his words:
"I went to the doctors taking my wife for further tests and they said my wife is perfectly well and the senior doctor is asking we need a case study of my wife as they did not see this cure in other patients"
A week later the businessman saw the pastor and his team looking for a site to do an open air meeting, and offered to sell his paddy hall at half the price which can be renovated for our new church.
This is an amazing development and puts the church build a significant step forward.
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