What a blessing to encourage and minister to 75 pastors labouring in Andhra Pradesh, India. A wonderful start to our first crusade in India!!
We would like to thank pastor Joshua and all of the team from Hope India for this amazing opportunity and for all their hard works and effort to make this conference possible. What a priviledge to be able to labour alongside these pastors. We are believing for a mighty harvest during this crusade for Jesus. We love you guys!
These are the pastors who will be helping to reach people in 45-60 villages surrounding the crusade grounds. These villages have been specifically chosen because there are no existing churches there, so we anticipate 95% of the people at the crusades to not be Christians. People will be able to come and hear the gospel, the good news of our Lord Jesus, possibly for the first time.
The pastors will be distributing bibles and connecting new believers to local churches where they can be discipled and be encouraged in fellowship as they grow up in Christ Jesus.

Let’s do this.
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