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Revival Crusade (Andhra Pradesh, India)🔥🔥2-3 Dec 2020

Exciting news - Raising Foundations will be holding our first Revival Crusade in India!

We are working with our partners Hope India and Life for the Nations (USA) to bring a 2 night crusade for 300 people per night and a conference for 50 pastors in Andhra Pradesh, India.

We will be using technology to remotely stream our guest speakers to the crusade grounds in India, where we will be providing food and transportation to reach people for Jesus in some of the remote villages in this region.

Crusade grounds in Andhra Pradesh, India

The local pastors will be helping to reach people in 45-60 villages surrounding the crusade grounds. These villages have been specifically chosen because there are no existing churches there, so we anticipate 95% of the people at the crusades to not be Christians. They will be able to come and hear the gospel, the good news of our Lord Jesus. Already 300 bibles have been donated by Life for the Nations, which will be given to new believers by the pastors who will be connected them to local churches for follow up and dicipleship.

If more than 100 people come to faith in a village, then we would love to be able to plant a church there and support a pastor for 3 years to help establish the new church. We would also look to drill a borehole for fresh water supply, as in India, when people become Christians, other people tend to block access to government water supplies. The fresh water would also give Christians something that they can share with the people around them and build a hub around the church in the community.

Guest Speakers in Partnership with Hope India:

  • Antonio Gonzales (Life for the Nations)

  • Martin Jansen van Vuuren (Raising Foundations)

You can Get Involved by:

  • Joining the prayer team on Tuesday evening 1 Dec via Zoom, leading up to the event - contact us for details

  • Joining us for the event. You can register here where details for the livestream will be made available

  • Becoming a Partner, Supporter and Champion of Our Vision

Let’s do this.


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