RAISING FOUNDATIONS is a UK Registered Charity
Why we are doing this
To catalyse a Generation of Faith - a Revival Generation.
Empowering Christians to spread the Gospel.
What we do
Train, Support and Equip the Saints for the Work of Ministry
- that’s YOU on Mission!
We facilitate, mobilise & enable Christians to:
Fulfill the Great Commission
Support missions​, revival and evangelism outreach​
Help establish and support churches
Relieve poverty through sustainable projects
Develop technology tools and Christian online resources
Network Christian communities and promote Christian awareness
Our Strategy
How we operate
We operate within a network of churches, ministries and organisations
demonstrating the Kingdom of God. Together we fulfil the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations, baptising and teaching them.
We show the love of Jesus by bringing finance, expertise, technology,
equipment & supplies, manpower and prayer support to meet the needs of people and communities. Pooling of resources allows
greater economies of scale.